
Hopefully by creating this blog we will be able to keep in better contact with our friends and family. Hope you enjoy this glimpse into the lives of the Goldsbys!

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Life, love, laughter.

Friday, December 03, 2010

Waiting… and Baking

Still waiting for Miss N to make her debut! It is so crazy how slowly time is passing but yet how fast it flew by to get to this point! I cannot believe we are already in December… I think the hardest part of this entire pregnancy has been the last week or so. We are so anxious for her arrival- so patiently waiting to see her, not knowing what to expect! It is a crazy feeling, it is like the anticipation of waiting for Christmas morning but not knowing if tonight is Christmas Eve, it could be tomorrow or a week from today who knows but in the end it will be worth the wait!

In the meantime I have been trying to stay busy. Just this season I have come to realize how much I truly love Fall and the holiday time. There are so many warm feelings associated with this time of year, celebrating with family, sipping hot cider, bundling up in big jackets, and of course eating lots of comforting foods! I love baking and every year I make Spice Bread, and this year I decided to bake many batches of Spice Bread our freezer is full of this delishness. The recipe is amazing and is one my mom found in the newspaper a few years back. Who knows how many times I have had a copy of this recipe and lost it! Although I can remember the main ingredients I always forget the exact measurements and end up calling my mom and having her read it exactly for me to copy again. This time around (the second time I have called her this Fall) I decided I would actually write it in my cookbook and post it online to share with you! Writing this now I am feeling like Martha Stewart but not really, I just thought since we love this recipe so much and it really is so yummy and easy- I would post it for you to enjoy too. Although pumpkin is the main ingredient you really don’t taste pumpkin that much it is mainly for the moistness, you could use apple sauce or another substitute, but pumpkin is very yummy! Enjoy!

Spice Bread

½ 15oz can Pumpkin Puree
½ tsp Cinnamon

½ tsp Nutmeg

½ tsp Clove

2 Eggs (slightly beaten)
½ c Oil

¾ c Water

1 ¾ c Dark Brown Sugar
1 tsp Baking Soda
¾ tsp Salt
1 ¾ c Flour

Preheat oven to 350F. In saucepan heat pumpkin and spices together approx 3-5 minutes until sticky and steamy. Transfer pumpkin spice to large mixing bowl and add water, sugar, oil and eggs. Mix until blended. In a separate bowl mix baking soda, salt and flour until combined. Fold flour mixture into pumpkin mixture, and mix. Pour into desired greased baking tin. Use either 1 large loaf tin or 3 small mini tins. Bake at 350F large loaf for 70 minutes or mini loaves for 50 minutes.

Notes: Recipe easily doubles and freezes well. You can also use the disposable bread tins, either 1 large or 3 minis for one batch. Enjoy!!

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