
Hopefully by creating this blog we will be able to keep in better contact with our friends and family. Hope you enjoy this glimpse into the lives of the Goldsbys!

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Life, love, laughter.

Friday, July 30, 2010

SEW Irresistible!

I am being a slacker… already it is Friday and I haven’t completed my weekly blog update. Oh well! Anyway, recently now that we are not traveling, we have been trying to take advantage of summer in Folsom as much as possible. We were lucky to have some friends visit us last weekend… It was a hot one! We headed to the lake with Tommy and Mandi and def got our fair share of sun and relaxation. Megan and Mikey also came down for a quick visit so of course as usual we did some great baby talking! It was a fabulous weekend at home with great friends…

Amy Butler Fabric for crib bedding
During the week while Phil is at work, I have been trying to keep myself busy. My latest project has been creating Baby Girl’s bedding! I am not a perfect seamstress but I am trying. I am so lucky to have inherited my Grammy’s sewing machine, a few of her lessons from when I was a little girl, and I have been putting it all to good use! It is an older machine but the time it came it was purchased it was state of the art and still works perfectly, in fact I just had it tuned up and it is ready to sew.

Rag Quilt Material
For my latest project, I decided to make my own baby bedding because I couldn’t find one that fit my style. So a few weeks ago while in Humboldt I visited the Itsy Bitsy Quilt Shop in Ferndale and fell in love with some fabulous fabric by designer Amy Butler… after finding out for sure we were having a girl I purchased the material! It is different but I absolutely LOVE it. My plans are to make a bumper, rag quilt, fitted sheets, and basket liners. We will see how it all turns out. So far I have the bumper half way completed (missing the ties still) and all the pieces for the rag quilt cut out.  Now I need to set up the crib to make sure I have the correct measurements! All this sewing has been kind of addicting. In fact I was supposed to leave to meet my girlfriends for dinner one night when I couldn’t pry myself away from creating, I had to remind myself our baby girl will not be here tomorrow I still have 4 months… Back to reality, luckily I called it quits for the day and made it to dinner on time. (But not to worry I was back sewing the next day.)
Even though we still have awhile I am excited to set up the nursery. I feel like I am on a scavenger hunt looking for the perfect little additions to our décor, each time I am out shopping. Already the adventure has begun, Phil is probably secretly hoping I don’t go overboard… I am trying hard not to let that happen but little girl things are SEW irresistible! ;)
Izzy already thinks the crib mattress is her bed!  Here is the 1/2 way completed bumper... now we need to reassemble the crib and make sure it fits!


  1. Megan! So glad you made it to dinner on time...yay!

    I love the idea. You're going to have a perfect baby room. Can you save it for the baby I have in 5 years? Hehehe...

    I love you!

  2. That is so cute. Congrats on the new addition.
